The meaning of care in different traditions

Meaning of care.png

The goal of the present workshop is first to discover the diversity of the meaning of Care and how the word “ Care”, which is not translated in either French or in Japanese, is understood and appropriated. Equally another goal is to go beyond these different forms of reception, to find out a common ground and to share some ways in order to deepen this thought. Because “Care” focuses on relations of dependence and autonomy and on the problem of responsibility to others, this concept helps us to place the vulnerability at the center of the forms of human life, and henceforth in democracy.

This workshop will bring together Japanese and French scholars who examine “Care” from the concerns of our human lives, caring practices, gender, politics.

Morning Session
10:30-11:10: Ueno Chizuko (Ritsumeikan University)
Theory of Care: from labor of love to care work

11:10-11:50 Patricia Paperman (Paris 8 University)
Understanding Care through care work

11:50-12:30 : Discussion

Afternoon Session
13:30-14:10: Estelle Ferrarese (Strasbourg University) The shared premises of the ethics of care and Hegelian theories of recognition: Vulnerability as Moral Category
14:10-14:50: Yayo Okano (Doshisha University) Toward an Origin of Care Ethics: Is a “Family” the Last Bastion against Neoliberalism?
15:15-15:55:Sandra Laugier (Paris 1 University) Care and Responsibility for ordinary others
15:55-16:30: Anne Gonon (Doshisha University)

From Hiratsuka Raichô to the Fukushima nuclear disaster – few problems about care practices Break
16:45-18:00: Round table 


Co Organised by Doshisha Feminist Gender Sexuality Studies Center
Sponsored by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) , “A Democratic Turn of Care Ethics” (the Principal Investigator: Yayo Okano) and GDRI CNRS/France: Vulnérabilité et dynamique des formes de vie.

Clara Han